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Rise of Prussia to be Released on March 9

Paradox is already taking pre-orders for Rise of Prussia, a war game developed by AGEOD. According to Paradox's website, the title will be available on March 9.

Rise of Prussia Features:

-Over 100 new leaders with individual portraits, and 300 types of units
-10 Scenarios:
-1 Battle Scenario Saxony 1756 to enter the game
-6 Annual Campaigns Scenarios, for each year between 1757 and 1763
-1 Grand Campaign Scenario 1756-1763
-2 Tutorial Scenarios
-Map covering all of Germany and surrounding vicinity, with over 1,000 different regions offering plenty of room for manoeuvering
-New events and a wide set of options for you to customize your strategy
-Streamlined command system based on the hierarchy system seen in American Civil War and Napoleon’s -Campaigns, allowing for historical army command, organization, and structure
-Brand new system for recruiting units, allowing players to choose and purchase forces during the annual and grand campaigns
-New system of historical events, allowing multiple-choice events and answers, enhancing flexibility and increasing replayability
-Additional interface helpers introduced to ease player interaction with the game, like the new Army Outliner system
-New functionalities to find your armies and see your supplies and assets
-Advanced AI
-Widely extended manual and player aid

See the complete announcement here.


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